Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Route: Lake - Iron Mine lane – Dam – Sheepstor – Yelowmead down – Eylesbarrow – Nun’s Cross – Princetown – railway – rescue car park – Peak hill – Lowery cross – Yennadon – Lake – HQ.

Steve B, Stephen T, Paul, Greg, Martyn.

Depart 1940
Arrive 1010
Distance 16.5 miles

Me and t’lads left t’street wi owt Col an’ Keith. It were a grand night an’ t’steads were in fine fettle. Pity abaht fellers ridin’ ‘em.

Up, dahn. Up, dahn. All t’way t’mine lane. Along tawd line of puffin’ billy track an down t’dam, dam, dam.

Reluctant at leaving t’mines we headed through local cottages of Sheepstor (all of ‘em miners course). With Sheffield forges in ahs bellies, we cut across t’moors. Paul, avin worked up fair steam, tried to quench his forge by tekin a slart in t’leat as usual.

Over Yellowmead down towards Deancombe, we took a track up to Eylesbarrow. Summmat were up wi t’Routmeister ere as e began to Sweeal. He were toom I tell thee!

We took grass causey along t’Eylesbarrow and were slocken once more at the sight of spoil.

Unable to hafe from t’north wind we grafted to Nun’s cross croodled over t’steads. The Routemeister, feeling brayed in and nesh, turned for home. “Nowt a good day dahn pits wouldn’t cure,” I ‘eard said.

Turning in t’wind again we were seen to tow over to Princetown. Lightin’ up as we went. (Nothin’ like a good woodbine on’t bike). Past the stoggarths and t’railway track, tekin in t’shortcut at Kings Tor. Wi’ wind assist we flew like Spuggys to the hill anent the Dartmoor rescue car park. Up t’metal t’Peak hill an’ dahn, dahn, dahn, t’reservoir. Up awer Yennadon through Lake an’ home. Martyn, waited a little by t’mines to soak up a bit o’northern depression (he said he were lost, like. Bletherin’ on an all). Through t’yan at t’pub where Julian had been Lappin’ at t’bitter.

Natter, lappin, gollup, lappin, gollup, gapin, lappin, gapin, Keith, Flipper, lap, gollup and gal.

Geeoer ya gauby.

National Yorkshire Day 01/08/10

PS. Spell checker is crap!

<<Previous ride

May 2010

  Date Route
Iron Mine lane, Dam, Sheepstor, Yelowmead down, Eylesbarrow, Nun’s Cross, Princetown, railway, rescue car park, Peak hill, Lowery cross, Yennadon, Lake, HQ.
Walkhampton, railway, Kings Tor, B3357, N Hessary, Tor Royal, Peat Cot, Nunn's Cross, HQ.
  Tuesday 25th Huckworthy, Pew Tor, Merrivale, Badger Alley, Routrundle, Keith's bridge, Yennadon, HQ.