Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Date: Tuesday 18th May 2010
Route: Walkhampton, railway, Kings Tor, B3357, N Hessary, Tor Royal, Peat Cot, Nunn's Cross, HQ.
Riders: Keith, Stephen, Colin, Greg, Martin, Nick, Neil, David.
Depart: 19:40
Arrive HQ: 22:15
Distance: 20.21 miles
Weather: Dry, mild.

Beware the Injured Sportsman!

After the Routemeister's exploits in the grueling North Cornwall Tor two days previously, the news coming through by email read 'At the moment I am mostly…….tired.' Followed by 'I will be out this evening for a gentle half man.' Lulled into this false sense of security David ventured out for his first Tuesday evening ride this year. With Neil riding up from deepest Plymouth we mustered eight in number.

As we set off for the Walkhampton hill it became very clear that Nick's location would never be in any doubt as he had cleverly added a high pitched squeak to his bike! Having all (bar Greg) been blown away by the Meister up to the old railway we soon realised what lay in store for the evening! David made it up in pretty good time given the amount of business lunches and dinners he's been forced to attend recently!!

Onwards to Kings Tor where we had a bit of fragmentation. David decided on the shortest route to Princetown as the rest dropped down to the stream. Here, four followed the Routemeister on the longer route passed the standing stone while three took a short cut to the car park. Up to the top of North Hessary Tor for a very enjoyable descent. On meeting again with David, he decided on the Half Man option and headed back home by road. (It does seem odd to have the words 'David' and 'Half Man' in the same sentence, for he must be nearly twice the man I am)!!

Anyway, the seven sped passed Tor Royal and took the track/bog to Peat Cot feeling pretty happy that is was so dry under wheel. We came out at the top of the Boneshaker and decided on the Nunn's Cross route home. As the front five sped down the rocky track and headed for Earthquake, Neil and I brought up the rear and took the easier Sheepstor route to HQ where Jess had already arrived to take Neil back to Plymouth.

This set of circumstances meant that when we sat down to drink there was one pint untouched! It took a while to work out who was missing and when we did, mobile phones were used to try to find out on Westy's whereabouts. Ten minutes later we were all wondering who would do the gentlemanly deed and set out to find our fellow stricken rider. Thankfully, at this point in walked Westy, not realising that two of us had gone the other way, he'd been waiting for us at the bottom of the Boneshaker.

There was one very notable story tonight, that is the first foreign recognition of our GOWCC jerseys. Nick had been up to the Fox Tor Cafe at the weekend and some riders from another local cycling club enquired where they could purchase a Jail Ale jersey! Naturally, Nick replied that we are an exclusive private gentleman's club and they are not for sale at any price!!

Having set the date for our Summer Ride and BBQ, the Routemeister is planning a route that fits all the criteria and all that is left is for a volunteer to oversee the organisation of transportation, BBQ, charcoal, food, drink, children's activities, risk assessment, plan B planning and anything else needed to make the day a success. It was decided that the Social Chairman should be given this honour!!!!!

Reporter: Keith

<<Previous ride

May 2010

  Date Route
Iron Mine lane, Dam, Sheepstor, Yelowmead down, Eylesbarrow, Nun’s Cross, Princetown, railway, rescue car park, Peak hill, Lowery cross, Yennadon, Lake, HQ.
Walkhampton, railway, Kings Tor, B3357, N Hessary, Tor Royal, Peat Cot, Nunn's Cross, HQ.
  Tuesday 25th Huckworthy, Pew Tor, Merrivale, Badger Alley, Routrundle, Keith's bridge, Yennadon, HQ.