Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Date: Tuesday 22nd June 2010
Route: WP – Meavy – Earthquake – Ringmoor Down – Ditsworthy House – Drizzle Combe – Eylesbarrow – Nuns Cross – Combshead Tor – Deancombe – Norsworthy Bridge – Handrail (Groundhog Day if you’re a Yogi) – Burrator Dam – Meavy - HQ.
Riders: Colin, Rich, Sam, Nick, Keith, Glen, Martyn, Paddy & James (eventually) all joined at the 19th hole by Stephen, Julian & the Gregster!!!
Depart: 19:40
Arrive HQ: 22:00
Distance: Gotta be close to 50 or 60 miles but my GPS was at home!!!
Weather: Clear, Dry & warm.

Dartmoor is SO dull!!!

Several e-mails during the day had indicated that the fitties might be spending time with their gleaming road machines prompted some mortals to tempt fate and go for a leisurely one. The normal pleasant run to Meavy was interrupted by my bat phone going off. James had been having trouble getting the children to bed so was a tad late but caught us up at Ditsworthy House. Anyway, up Earthquake (why do we never seem to come down it anymore?) to Ringmoor Cottage and a rest!!! Then across Ringmoor Down to Gutter Tor Trig point at which point Glen threw a sickie and had a puncture which allowed us all to watch him toil and have a rest!!! Martyn was particularly happy as the view was stupendous as was the …rest!!! Then down to Edwards Path and along to Ditsworthy House where numbers swelled by….one as James joined us.

Sam and I had a quick chat to make sure he was managing to remain upright on the totally benign track where he was thrown last year and broke his hand. He seemed to be managing very capably until 100 yds past the point where he fell last year and a cheeky 2” rut got the better of him and chucked him on the floor (dear oh dear!!) not quite so severely as last time but good enough to have him stuck and needing a gentlemans hand to get him up!!! Then up Drizzle Combe to the top, past the tin mine and along the motorway to Nuns Cross…..mmm lovely, where we had a quick rest!!!

Sharp left to Drake’s Leat Tunnel exit and across towards Combshead Tor allowed Sam plenty of opportunity to fall again which he took up gladly getting stuck under his steed once again (once is bad luck, but twice???) where he also decided to leave his SPD clip in the pedal rather than the bottom of the shoe. He also fell off somewhere else too but I wasn’t there to witness it.

Once at the stone row we all thoroughly enjoyed the fantastic single track run down to Deancombe between the bracken and granite clitter. A fast rattle down the track to Norsworthy Bridge and then round the Sheepstor Handrail which is always technical and testing. Then round the smaller Burrator Dam, re-join the road, over the real dam and (eh-hum) then down the road to Meavy where Rich chucked in the second puncture of the night. Through Meavy and back up the road to HQ where Stephen, Julian and the Gregster had galliantly battled up from WP to join us.

How come a nice leisurely one got us to HQ at 10pm???

Reporter: Paddy

Westy with Plymouth Sound in the distance
Puncture stop for Glen
<<Previous ride

June 2010

  Date Route
Diner, Woolwell, Cann Wood, Newnham, Drakeland, Lee Moor, clay pits, Cadover, HQ.
Walkhampton, Routrundle, Burrator, Norsworthy, Deancombe, Burrator tracks, Yennadon, HQ.
Yennadon, Sha**er’s van, Leather Tor bridge, Raddick Plantation, Norsworthy Bridge, Deancombe, Groundhog Day, top of Sheepstor, Scout Hut, Gutter Tor, Earthquake, HQ.
Meavy, Earthquake, Ringmoor Down, Ditsworthy House, Drizzlecombe, Eylesbarrow, Nuns Cross, Combshead Tor, Deancombe, Norsworthy Bridge, Handrail, Burrator Dam, Meavy, HQ.
HQ2, Goodameavy, Shaugh bridge, Cadover, Trowlesworthy Tor, Plym dam, Edward's Path, Earthquake, Meavy, HQ.