Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Date: Tuesday 9th February 2010
Riders: Paul, Stephen, Colin, Greg and Martin.
Departed: 19.45
Arrived HQ: 22.15
Distance: 20 miles
Weather: Dry artic breeze.

OK. Concentrate. Breathe carefully. Breathe smoothly. Breathe, deep. Up. Down. Up. Down. Keep turning with the rhythm. I can’t convince myself this is 12%. This must be a 20 per-cent-per-minute-Zimbabwe-style-inflation-busting-lung-bursting-effort. My acid muscles say so. So it is. The Gratton bridge climb never gives time to warm to its task. 10 miles on the road you discover the rhythm, 10 seconds from the ‘Park’ you have to find it fast - or the lactic will eat you.

OK, reached the winter-bare summit AOK, my last landmark of effort. Downhill to Cadover with the latest Russian wind at your back. Left at the bridge. The bare sores that eat away into Dartmoors’ heart approach. Black – or rather - Red ice takes the back wheel, and others. Damn those Russians. But the Bridleway around the sore pits is beautiful. Talk of high Alpine holiday retreats and crunching ice coalesces and makes me smile.

Descending. Fast. Here the earth is scoured and gouged. A glacial torrent has flowed leaving stranded erratics in my path. The smile is wiped and I am swallowed by lateral moraine. Hard granite, mica flecks and tourmaline scrape away my thin covering. Like the moor nearby, I bruise. Descending. Fast. Smooth. Widetrack wonder to the tarmac hardtop. Should have been the highlight. My granite-scratched confidence blunts the edge.

More climbing, damn this Alpine landscape. Suddenly shooting stars, but Wotters’ bolt was shot long before we arrived. Desolate, no Swiss chalets here. Pass, quickly to find the Cadover car park –Ice-cream-van-free-. Woodland now. Perhaps there are hints of Spring down here. Water is running free somewhere fast very close. OK concentrate. Ignore this spring harbinger. A Harpy calling you over the edge, off the pipeline. A stronger urge calls and I accelerate into the valley. Shaugh Bridge. Yet we are hemmed down by Mountains. Rapid trigonometry must mean this is Zimbabwe again. This is not Great. Zimbabwe suddenly gives way to Dutch Polder, we are back on home-won ground. OK. Concentrate. Breathe smoothly. Breathe carefully. Drink, deep. Up. Down.

Reporter: The Routemeister

<<Previous ride

February 2010

  Date Route
Horrabridge, Plasterdown, Pew Tor, Vixen Tor, Merrivale, Badger Alley, HQ.
Gratton, Cadover, above clay pits, Wotter, Cadover, pipeline, Shaugh, HQ.
Clearbrook, Cann Wood, lost in field, Cann Wood loops, Railway, Turners, HQ2.
Lake Lane, Burrator, split, read the report, HQ.