Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Date: Wednesday 17th February 2010
Riders: Stephen, Greg, Keith and Paul.
Departed: 19.40
Arrived HQ2: 22.05
Distance: 20 miles
Weather: Wet to start.

I will not even attempt to compete with the pro’s of the Bard!! I also managed to volunteer to write the report before we set off and I have no idea where we went or how we got back to HQ2, but here goes anyway!!

It was pelting down with rain and I didn’t think anyone would be at WP, but two hardy bikers were waiting and Greg soon arrived. The Routemiester decided a trip down to the woods would protect us a little from the weather so we set off along Route 27 to Clearbrook to pick up the cycle path and through the tunnel. Over the fourth viaduct and a left into Cann Woods. After this point I had no idea where we were going!...

The track was very slippery but no “offs” were recorded (well nobody admitted to one anyway) as we weaved our way along secondary paths until we arrived near the parking area. Out to Boringdon Camp circled the camp and around a large field, found some very nice sheep and then back the way we came into Cann Woods again. Now all I can say from here is that Cann Woods was very wet, good downhill parts and steep climbs plus a very treacherous path to walk along next to the River with a twenty foot drop! On past some well made cycle jumps that even Greg did not attempt until we finally ended up at Cann Quarry under the Viaduct. Walking up the steps back to the cycle path, finally I knew where I was again!

Following the cycle path back to the second viaduct and taking a left up towards Woolwell finally coming out by Turners Garage. The remainder of the route back via Roborough past Dartmoor Diner and across the Moor to the Golf Club was relatively straight forward, Greg decided to increase the pace once on the Moor and Stephen followed, unfortunately his exuberance got the better of him and the Bard took a spectacular off into a gorse bush, but he was immediately up again and we all arrived back at HQ2 just after 10pm. The customary 2 pints were had by all (speak to Greg if you want the truth). Keith had one important announcement to make, he is to become a Daddy again so “Congratulations”, good to see you made good use of your respite time Keith!!!

Reporter: Paul

President's Footnote: Another great ride with new routes found, but very tough going for me. If we'd been drinking at HQ and not HQ2, I don't think I would have had the energy to get home!!

<<Previous ride

February 2010

  Date Route
Horrabridge, Plasterdown, Pew Tor, Vixen Tor, Merrivale, Badger Alley, HQ.
Gratton, Cadover, above clay pits, Wotter, Cadover, pipeline, Shaugh, HQ.
Clearbrook, Cann Wood, lost in field, Cann Wood loops, Railway, Turners, HQ2.
Lake Lane, Burrator, split, read the report, HQ.