Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Date: Tuesday 3rd August 2010
Route: WP, Meavy, Burrator, Norsworthy, Keith's Bridge via woods, Routrundle, Badger Alley, Grimstone Leat, Pew Tor, HQ.
Riders: Colin, Keith, Paddy, Julian, Martyn & Alan.
Depart: 19:45
Arrive HQ: 22:15
Distance: 16.5 miles
Weather: Cloudy, warm, light fading.

Rest and Relaxation!

As Julian and Al were chatting using medical terms that meant nothing to the rest of us, Colin suggested three routes before we agreed to head out on the last option of an anti-clockwise Burrator, Badger Alley, Pew Tor test. We went down to Meavy then up to Burrator past Greg's leat before navigating an interesting route through the trees to bring us out at Norsworthy Bridge.

From here into more woods and up a testing grassy hill section where Martyn was ripping out divots with his rear wheel just like Al hacking up a golf course!! Back down the rocky path and up to Keith's Bridge before a nice climb to the Dartmoor Rescue car park.

The next section reminded me why I normally get to this car park so tired when going in the other direction, because from here going past Routrundle Farm then downwards to the bottom of Badger Alley is a big descent. However, from this low point going up Badger Alley is a real test. We all got to Merrivale in one piece despite quite a few rocky offs!

We followed the road to pick up the Grimstone and Sortridge Leat below Staple Tor. With the light fading fast, there was one very cunning little gully that really should have had a very big health and safety warning sign for the likes of us not to put your front wheel down it!! I think we all managed to avoid it, but there were some expletives heard from Martyn at the rear end!!

Whilst traversing Pew Tor the front three were told by the rear three that we were going the wrong way! This resulted in a little split to HQ. As we were now close to Horrabridge, Martyn decided that he'd head for home. A bit disappointing this really considering that he's just started a fourteen week holiday!!! A few more b***ard hills then the welcome orange glow of HQ came into view with the pints already lined up on the table thanks to Julian and Al getting there first.

Personally, I was very pleased to have made the full trip, the last vestiges of my debilitating two week virus had well and truly gone, or had the doctor given me illegal performance enhancing pills?!! And talking of the Yelverton Surgery, I did compliment them on their work there and the sick note issued to enable me to recharge my batteries!! I think some gents considered my doctor to be over sympathetic!!

I did also discover why Al had to buy a carbon bike, his back pack weighs a ton, partly due to the remarkable amount of keys he carries! Someone should point out to him that he now lives in Yelverton, not Leeds!!!! And at the end of the night I was still alert enough to notice that we'd been overcharged! With the bill corrected we all went home happy and content, apart from Al, who had contributed more to the bill than anyone else!!

Reporter: Keith

<<Previous ride

August 2010

  Date Route
Meavy, Norsworthy, Keith's Bridge, Routrundle, Badger Alley, Grimstone Leat, HQ.
Earthquake, Trig point, Wotter, Tramway, Cann Woods, cycle path, HQ.
Meavy, Greg's leat, Burrator, handrail, Down Tor, Keith's Bridge, Leather Tor bridge, HQ.
WP, Huckworthy, Pew Tor, Leat, Pew Tor, Ward Bridge, Routrundle, Walkhampton, HQ.
  Tuesday 31st WP, Earthquake, Gutter Tor, Ditsworthy Warren, Nunn's Cross, Princetown, Railway, HQ.