Gentlemen of Willowby Cycle Club
No hill too steep, no beer too dear!

Date: Tuesday 26th January 2010
Riders: Paul, Martyn, Stephen, Paddy, Greg & Steve.
Arrival time: 21.50
Distance: 18 miles
Weather: Clear skies & cold

This Tuesday saw the largest gathering for sometime including a new recruit and a new Steve. Deposed from his Hashing evening, he found a welcoming throng on this bitterly cold evening.

We set off from WP, onto Walkhampton and up Puff-Pant hill to the railway. A brief repose was taken before cycling into the teeth of a gale, barely able to maintain forward movement, never mind hold a conversation. Paul Greg and Steve x2 were up the shortcut like a rat up a drainpipe. Paddy and Martyn had dropped off the pace a little, then a lot, then a lot more! One solitary front light later Martyn arrived with the sorry news that Paddy’s freewheel had failed. Paddy then had a long wind assisted freewheel home. Back down the railway track.

After the hard climb, Martyn left us at the Plume to head off down the road to see if his waterbottle would freeze – which it duly did!

The remaining four with a tail wind sped along the moor track past South Hessary and on to Nun’s Cross without incident. Steve B’s local knowledge allowed us to explore pastures new from this point. The Routemeister instantly had another chain breakage. His new SRAM power-link-chain will be available online soon. His bladder then froze. A right turn at exactly the site of the cross lead us along a well-marked track although a little tricky in places towards Down Tor and the Stone row. This would definitely be a dry or frozen ride only. The route took us on a great piece of downhill to the track between Coombshead and Down Tor and our safe arrival at Norsworthy bridge. A quick blast around the Reservoir, onto Lake and back to HQ.

Joining us at HQ were El Presidente, El social sec and El Freewheelie non-engagie.

Reporter: Greg

President's Footnote: As this may never happen again, I feel the need for this to be recorded. I joined the gents at HQ to celebrate an Argyle win, not drown my sorrows as normal. And it was nice to see the Social Sec there too, who, for a change, was actually drowning his sorrows after Leeds suffered a hammering from Swindon!!!!

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January 2010

  Date Route
Lake Lane, Yennadon, Railway, Peak Hill, Burrator Woods, Leat, Yennadon, HQ.
Lake Lane, Lowrey Cross, S*****s Van, Leather Tor Bridge, Dam, Meavy, HQ.
Walkhampton, Railway, short cut, S Hessary, Nunn's Cross, Down Tor, Burrator, HQ.